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TOPS Prayer Ministry

TOPS is the acronym for this Ministry: Training On Praying Spiritually . The ministry is focused on teaching and practicing prayer as a way to deepen one's relationship with God and build a fruitful life. The group learns about the power of prayer and the importance of discipline and sacrifice in developing intimacy with God. They use the A.C.T.S. (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication) pattern and seek to pray effectively for the lost and emphasize P.U.S.H. (Pray Until Something Happens). The ministry also uses technology, such as group text messaging, to stay connected and support each other in prayer. The goal of the ministry is to experience spiritual growth and promote a revival movement through prayer.

The group meets every Monday, at 3:00, in the fellowship hall.  The meeting includes a discussion of Pastor Alberto's sermon from the day before, followed by a discussion of the current book that the group is reading.  The meeting ends in the sanctuary for prayer.
All are welcome to join at any time. 
For more information, contact Peggy Nunez at (832)-483-7262.

TOPS Activity

Along with weekly meetings, the group visits shut-ins from time to time to pray with them and share communion. They also reach out to community members in need.  Additionally, we have participated in day long retreats lead by our pastor.  TOPS also supports many of the other ministries of the church with our prayers, gifts and service.

TOPS Birthday Celebrations

TOPS Prayer Ministry 

Peggy Nunez - Leader

When Pastor Alberto asked me to start a Prayer Ministry in September of 2020, we were in a Worship Planning meeting and everyone was looking to me for my answer. I had never even considered such a thing. But, I had to say yes! 

To tell the truth, that charge was entirely out of my comfort zone! I felt very inadequate to begin a prayer ministry. I felt much better about my answer when Pastor Alberto said he would train me. Whew! I knew I would need that! If I had refused this opportunity, I would have missed an opportunity learn and grow spiritually.

Our first meeting was held on 9-10-20 in the Fellowship Hall. This was definitely NOT your momma’s prayer ministry! It was thought provoking, awe inspiring, Spirit filled, creative, and we a learned about the POWER OF PRAYER!

A prayer warrior is a person who is convinced that God is omnipotent, and HE has the power to do anything, change anyone, and intervene in any circumstance. Prayer is mentioned in the Bible 500 Times. Prayer means to fall down to the ground in front of authority and plead your case and present your petition. The Bible is the foundation for petitioning When we work, we work, but when we pray God works!

When that first session was over, I saw Jesus on everyone’s face! All of us had indeed received a blessing and were learning together.

We were then charged to give our Ministry a name. We chose TOPS as the acronym for this Ministry: Training On Praying Spiritually.

We have learned that to build a fruitful life we must have: Patience, Perseverance, and Power (equal to effort). People are destroyed by lack of knowledge (ignorance). Light is equal to knowledge and dark is equal to ignorance. Light exposes you and we must not be toxic. Let Christ shine upon you and in you. We have learned that we must embrace our trials as fuel for prayer and deeper relations with God. We need to remove things (tv, social media, etc.) for God to awaken our spiritual senses and hunger for a closer relationship with Him. Once a month, we must disconnect from everyone (even our cell phones). We learned that we must create a prayer schedule and stick to it. Distraction becomes destruction. Prayer is not for the hypocrite or faint of heart. Deeper intimacy with Him requires sacrifice. Prayer requires discipline. Discipline is the bridge between Goals and Accomplishments. When it feels challenging, breakthrough is on the way and it is working! Use burden and sorrow as platform for prayer. Prayer is the direct communication between you and God. Always P.U.S.H. (Pray Until Something Happens). Pray and don’t give up (Luke 18:1) We learned to use the Prayer Pattern of A.C.T.S. (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication). We must seek first the kingdom of God.

Although our Prayer Ministry was interrupted by the Coronavirus for a period of time, we prayed independently for healing and restoration of strength and comfort in scary times.

We also formed a Group to share text messages on our phones when we were not meeting. This message group has been so beneficial to all to know about the well being of others and to share prayer requests instantly. We were grateful to finally resume our meetings and even had a couple of definitely meaningful, deep and powerful retreats. More retreats are in our future!

We studied the book “Praying Effectively for the Lost” to learn what the Bible means when 1 Timothy 2: 1-4 says:

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people- for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.

We sent invitations to worship to all families that received Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets from our church.  We provided small gifts as a thank you to the children’s chime ministry for their hard work and a blessing to us all. Several members of our ministry have been led by the Holy Spirit to share and speak outside of their comfort zone and we know He is at work within us.  We launched a successful Lord’s Prayer revival which we prayed the Lord’s Prayer with others for 21 days in a row. This event was to remind us that Jesus said “My house will be called a House of Prayer” (Matthew 21:13)

Peggy Nuñez