The Prayer Shawl Ministry
The Prayer Shawl ministry is led by Pat Friese and meets the third Monday of each month at 1:00 pm in the  Fellowship Hall.  The ministry began in 2005 and has provided over 800 shawls to those in need.  Scrapbooks contain notes from grateful recipients that are heart touching. These notes of comfort and healing are blessings for those who knit and crochet these shawls. Many who are undergoing radiation, chemotherapy, or illnesses take their shawls with them as they go for treatment. They provide comfort for those who have lost loved ones and are grieving. Nursing home residents find them helpful for warmth and comfort. A record is kept of all recipients.  
All are welcome.  If you don't knit, or crochet, the ladies in the group would love to teach you!  For more information, please contact Pat Friese, or the church office.
Man A line styled icon from Orion Icon Library.


The process begins with a prayer for the one receiving the shawl.

Bookmark A line styled icon from Orion Icon Library.


Each shawl is blessed in the Sunday worship service, mentioning the name of the recipient in the blessing. This provides the congregation a way to share in the ministry.

Social A line styled icon from Orion Icon Library.


A personal letter goes with each shawl as it is delivered by a friend, family member, or the minister. Shawls have been mailed to other states and as far away as Germany and Costa.

What a special blessing for Blair Bear.  Thank y’all so much for all of the prayers and the prayer blanket. It has lifted her spirits, and she feels the love. Please tell your prayer group “Thank you” from the bottom of our heart. 
