
Women Helping Women 

The Methodist Women are a community of women whose PURPOSE is to know God and to experience freedom as whole person through supportive fellowhip, and to expand concepts of mission through participation in ministries wherever needed.
Our vision is to light the way to Christ through compassion, fellowhip and spiritual growth
We meet the second Thursday of every month in the Fellowship Hall.  Fellowship and refreshments begin at 9:30 AM and the meeting begins at 10:00.  For more information, contact Brenda Corley at (936)-275-7877.

$400 Donation to Community Partners to provide school supplies to students in need.

Back to School Teachers’ Luncheon 2024

Christmas 2024


  • Rainbow Room

  • Hemphill Schools

  • High School Senior  Luncheon

  • Senior Night

  • Scholarships for Graduation Seniors

  • Senior Bibles

  • Empty stocking

  • Thanksgiving Baskets

  • Christmas Baskets

  • Seed Patch

  • Hemphill ISD Foundation

  • Salvation Army

  • Teacher Appreciation

  • Luncheon

  • Feed the Hornets


  • President - Brenda Corley

  • Vice President - Margaret Byers

  • Secretary - Ruth Chirolla

  • Treasurer - Janette Young


Nomination Committee - Margaret Byers and Dianne Brackin

Sunshine Committee- Ruth Chirolla and Lauri Moore

Scholarship Committee - Pat Friese, Tommy Sue Carlson and Tanya Walker

2023 Feed the Teachers

Rummage Sale 

The annual rummage sale serves as a fundraiser, and fellowship, for the Methodist Women, as well as, a ministry to the community.

2023 Scholarship Awards

$2,000 in scholarships were awarded to graduating seniors by the Methodist Women and Methodist Men