
Welcome to First Methodist Church Hemphill, TX

A congregation of the Global Methodist Church

Alberto Williams - Pastor

Where transformation happens one life at a time.

Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ who worship passionately, love extravagantly, and witness boldly

In case you missed this beautiful performance (Not seen in the video is Mitch Brackin on trumpet) 

Special Announcements

  • You can now watch previous church services on our website.  j

  • The Methodist Women have set the date for their annual Rummage and Bake Sale.  The date will be Friday, March 7 and Saturday March 8. Donations are being accepted now through March 4th.

  • If you are looking for a daily devotional, we have free copies of The Upper Room available at the back of the sanctuary and in the office foyer. 

  • Do you have news to share with the congregation?  You can either e-mail the church  at or call at 409-787-2183.

Spare Change Jar

Please save your spare change and drop off in our Scholarship Fund jar.  The funds will be collected to provide scholarships to our future graduates.  The total in the jar as of January is approximately $1,800.

Basket Of Blessings

The Salvation Army is low on food. Items needed include peanut butter, jelly, canned foods, pasta, pasta sauce, cereals, rice, flour, and sugar.  Our Basket of Blessings program collects donations of these items in a basket at the front of the sanctuary.  The donated items are delivered to the Salvation Army each week. 
Are you looking for a church home?

First Methodist Church of Hemphill welcomes you

  • Every Sunday:

    Sunday School for all ages - 9:45AM

    Traditional Worship Service - 11:00AM

  • Sunday Events

    Communion: First Sunday of each month during the Traditional Service.

    Covered Dish Luncheon: Second Sunday of each month following the 11:00 worship service.

first methodist church hemphill



Friday, February 21st

Game Night - 6:00 pm

Saturday, February 22nd

American Heritage Girls Badgework - 1:00 pm

Monday, February 24th

American Heritage Girls - 6:15 pm

Tuesday, February 25th

Board of Stewards Meeting- 5:00 pm

Every Monday at 3:00 PM

TOPS Meeting

FMC Fellowship Hall

Every Monday at 4:30 PM

Adult Chimes 
FMC Fellowship Hall

Every Wednesday at 5:00 PM

Choir Practice 
FMC Fellowship Hall

Every Wednesday at 3:30 PM

Children's Chime (school year only) 
FMC Fellowship Hall

3rd Friday of each month at 6:00 PM

Game Night
FMC Fellowship Hall

3rd Monday of every other (even) month at 5:00 PM

Board of Stewards Meeting
FMC Fellowship Hall

Every Sunday

  • Sunday School - 9:45AM
  • Worship Service, Live and on FaceBook - 11:00AM

First Sunday

Holy Communion

Second Sunday

Covered dish lunch following the 11:00